MAT 151 Precalculus

Undergraduate course, Mathematics Department, Utica University, 2023

Welcome to the home page of Dr. Xiao Xiao’s Precalculus course at Utica University. You can find all the information and documents for this course on this page. Please check this page frequently for announcements and assignments.

Important Dates

  • Add/Drop deadline: 9/1/23
  • Fall break: 10/9/23 - 10/10/23
  • Withdraw deadline: 11/6/23
  • Thanksgiving break: 11/22/23 - 11/24/23
  • SOOT: 12/1/23 - 12/8/23
  • Final exam: 12/11/23 - 12/15/23

Instructor Information

  • Instructor: Prof. Xiao Xiao
  • Email:
  • Office: White Hall 255
  • Office hour: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am-9:45am, Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:30am. Final Week hours: Monday 10am-12pm, Wednesday 1pm-2pm, Thursday 10am-11am.


  • Dec. 6, 2023
    • The final exam will have goals 1 to 20, where goal 1, 5, 6, and 20 will be there twice.
  • Dec. 5, 2023
    • Complete Tasks 7.19 to 7.24. Let me know if you want to present.
    • Start working on Week 14 Assignment.
    • There are two questions for Goal 19 as well on Quiz 13.
  • Nov. 30, 2023
    • Complete Week 13 Assignment.
    • Quiz 13 (last quiz) will cover Goal 17, 18, 19, 20. There will be two questions for Goal 20 as this is the only time that Goal 20 will show on a quiz.
  • Nov. 28, 2023
    • Complete Task 7.17 before Thursday’s class.
    • Complete Week 12 Assignment in WileyPLUS and start working on Week 13 Assignment.
  • Nov. 27, 2023
    • Quiz 12 on Thursday will cover Goal 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
  • Nov. 21, 2023
    • Start working on Week 12 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • We will continue to discuss graphs of transformations of sine and cosine curves after the thanksgiving break.
  • Nov. 16, 2023
    • Complete Week 11 Assignment.
  • Nov. 14, 2023
    • Complete the unit circle (Figure 6.21) and fill into the trig value table (Table 6.23).
    • Keep working on Week 11 Assignment.
  • Nov. 13, 2023
    • Quiz 11 on Thursday will cover Goal 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17.
  • Nov. 9, 2023
    • Complete Task 6.10 and start working on Week 11 Assignment.
  • Nov. 7, 2023
    • Start working on Week 10 Assignment.
    • Complete Task 6.5 and Task 6.7 and let me know if you would like to present.
    • Quiz 10 on Thursday will cover Goal 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.
  • Nov. 2, 2023
    • No homework today. We will start trig functions next Tuesday.
  • Oct. 31, 2023
    • Complete Task 5.10 and 5.11. Let me know if you want to present.
    • Complete Week 9 Assignment.
  • Oct. 30, 2023
    • Quiz 9 on Thursday will cover Goal 5,6,9,11, 12, 14 and 15.
  • Oct. 26, 2023
    • Start working on Week 9 Assignment.
  • Oct. 24, 2023
    • Complete Week 8 Assignment.
    • Quiz 8 on Thursday will cover Goal 4, 5, 6, 14 and 15.
    • Complete Task 5.5 and let me know if you would like to present.
  • Oct. 19, 2023
    • Start working on Week 8 Assignment.
    • Attempt Task 5.4 before next Tuesday’s class.
  • Oct. 17, 2023
    • Complete Week 7 Assignment.
    • Quiz 7 on Thursday will cover Goal 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.
  • Oct. 12, 2023
    • Complete Week 6 Assignment and start working on Week 7 Assignment.
  • Oct. 5, 2023
    • Keep working on Week 6 Assignment.
    • Quiz 6 on Thursday will cover Goal 1, 3, 4, 8, 9.
  • Oct. 3, 2023
    • Start working on Week 6 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Complete Task 4.4 and Task 4.5. Please let me know if you want to present.
    • Quiz 5 on Thursday will cover Goal 2, 4, 8, 9, 13.
  • Sep. 28, 2023
    • Complete Week 5 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
  • Sep. 26, 2023
    • Work on Week 5 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Quiz 4 on Thursday will cover Goal 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13.
    • Complete Task 3.9. Let me know if you would like to present.
  • Sep. 21, 2023
    • Complete Week 4 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Try to complete Task 3.7.
    • Survey for group. Please complete it by Monday 9/25/23.
  • Sep. 19, 2023
    • Start working on Week 4 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Quiz 3 on Thursday will cover Goal 2, 3, 7, 10, 12.
  • Sep. 14, 2023
    • Complete Week 3 Assignment in WileyPLUS.
  • Sep. 12, 2023
    • Complete Task 2.10 and let me know if you would like present.
    • Finish Week 2 assignment and start working on Week 3 assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Quiz 2 on Thursday will cover Goal 1, 2, 7, 12, and 13.
  • Sep. 7, 2023
    • Complete Task 2.6 and let me know if you would like present.
    • If you did not get the question from quiz 1, please don’t feel frustrated. It just means that you need to work more on this learning goal. Make sure you complete the week 1 assignment in wileyplus. Let me know if you want more practice.
    • Start working Week 2 assignment in WileyPLUS.
  • Sep. 5, 2023
    • Complete the rest of Task 2.2 and also Parts 1 to 4 of Task 2.6. Please let me know if you would like to present.
    • Complete Week 1 assignment in WileyPLUS.
    • Quiz 1 on Thursday will cover Goal 1.
    • Updated information on online tutoring service ThinkingStorm. Please see the tutoring section below for the updated information.
  • Aug. 31, 2023
    • Finish Task 1.4 and be ready to present and/or ask questions on Tuesday.
    • You should start working on Week 1 assignment and aim to complete it by next Wednesday at the latest.
  • Aug. 29, 2023
    • Print the learning goal sheet.
    • Sign up WileyPLUS and start working on Week 1 assignment.
    • Work on your assigned part (whichever color family that you agreed to work on) for Task 1.4.

An Important Course Policy

I pride myself on having a good environment for working and learning. It is very important to me that we all treat each other with care and respect, in equal measure. I know that I ask students to take risks in class almost every day, and this can be challenging for many. I ask that you help me keep our classroom a supportive place for each of the people in it. Each of us deserves the space to bring our full, authentic selves to class and be comfortable. (Adapated from T.J. Hitchman.)

General Course Information and Policies

  • Course name: MAT 151 Precalculus

  • Course credit hours: 3 credit

  • Course Prerequisite: MAT 124, or satisfactory performance in the math placement test administered by the math department, or permission of instructor.

  • Class time and location: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am - 11:15am at Hubbard Hall 210.

  • Textbook: Please see the course material link above.

  • Online homework system: We will use the WileyPLUS online homework system designed for Young’s Precalculus textbook. You do not need to purchase the hard copy of Young’s Precalculus textbook. If you want to have that textbook as a reference, you will have the access to an electronic version of it after you have purchase the WileyPLUS access. The ISBN for the WileyPLUS standalone access card is 9781119869436. If you have enrolled in the book bundle program, then you will automatically have access to it. Otherwise, you can purchase the access directly from the publisher. Note that it is very unlikely that any used Calculus textbook will come with the WileyPLUS access. The class key you need to self-enroll in WileyPLUS is “B62041”. Please use your Utica College official name and email address to register. Do not use nickname or your private email address.

  • Calculator: We will be using a free graphing calculator app called Desmos. You can use Desmos directly by going to their website at You are strongly encouraged to use Desmos on a computer or on a tablet. You can download Desmos at Apple or Android.

  • Course description: Precalculus covers elementary functions and their graphs including linear functions, quadratic functions, exponential functions, rational functions and trigonometric functions.

  • Course learning objectives (general education program): Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
    • interpret and communicate quantitative information, and mathematical or statistical concepts, using language appropriate to the context and intended audience.
    • make sense of problems and develop strategies to determine solutions using quantitative data and mathematical reasoning.
    • reason, model, and draw conclusions or make decisions with mathematical and quantitative information, including estimating and checking answers to determine reasonableness, identifying alternatives, and selecting optimal results.
    • critique and evaluate quantitative arguments that utilize mathematical, statistical, and quantitative information.
  • Class organization: This course will likely be different from any other math course you have taken before. As an instructor, I will not be lecturing most of the time although I love lecturing very much. Scientific research shows that most people do not learn mathematics by listening, instead, they learn by doing it! I am sure you have said to yourself before “It looked so easy when the professor was doing it, but now I am confused when I have to do it by myself.” Why? Because the knowledge belongs to your professor and does not belong to you. You do not learn the knowledge simply by hearing it once or twice from somebody else. In order for you to have a more thorough understanding of the knowledge, we will use a pedagocial practice called inquiry-based learning. Most of the time during the class, students will be working in groups and presenting solutions that they have produced by themselves and not by other people or textbooks.

  • Attendance is mandatory. Attending class meetings will have a direct impact on your learning as well as your grade. If you miss class for any reason, you are responsible for getting the information from a classmate, and checking the course web page for any handouts and assignments. You will not be able to make up the quiz for the day if you were not in class unless you have met the makeup policy below.

  • Makeup policy: You can only make up a quiz or an exam if all three conditions are met:
    • You have a legitimate reason (as determined by me) with documented proof. Visit of emergency rooms due to urgent health conditions is an example of legitimate reason. Attending non-academic events, such as someone’s wedding is an example of non-legitimate reason.
    • You have informed me well in advanced.
    • You can only make up the quiz or the exam after the scheduled date.

Your Role and My Role

  • Professor Xiao’s role: I want you to succeed and I am here to help you succeed, but I cannot succeed for you! I have designed the structure of the course to help you learn. The class format will challenge you but it will be exhilarating and even fun at times. I will do what I think is the best to help you understand the material in the course. I hold office hours to provide you the opportunity to get additional help, and I check and respond to email frequently.
  • Student’s Role:
    • You are responsible for making sense of the concepts and processes in this course. Success in mathematics is less about “ability” and more about willingness to think and to work hard to make sense of things.
    • Attend every class meeting, participate, present whenever you can and work on the assignments outside of class.
    • Please respect the ideas and opinions of others.
    • If you are having trouble, please come to office hours or make an appointment to visit me.
    • Cell phones should be off or set to vibrate. Do not place a call or send a text during class, and do not answer a phone call without first leaving the room.

Intellectual Property

  • My lectures and course materials, including powerpoint presentations, tests, outlines, and similar materials, are protected by U.S. copyright law and by Utica College policy. I am the exclusive owner of the copyright in those materials I create. You may take notes and make copies of course materials for your own use. You may also share those materials with another student who is registered and enrolled in this course.
  • You may not reproduce, distribute or display (post/upload) lecture notes or recordings or course materials in any other way — whether or not a fee is charged — without my express written consent. You also may not allow others to do so. If you do so, you may be subject to student conduct proceedings under the Utica College Student Code of Conduct
  • Similarly, you own the copyright in your original work. If I am interested in posting your solution on the course web site, I will ask for your written permission.

Course Learning Goals

  1. I can model a situation with appropriate linear functions and interpret the solution.
  2. I can determine the vertex and the equation of a quadratic function given its graph or a table of values.
  3. I can model a situation with appropriate quadratic functions and interpret the solution including interpreting the vertex in context.
  4. I can model a situation with appropriate functions of exponential type and interpret the solution.
  5. I can solve an equation that has expoential or logarithmic functions.
  6. I can use the definitions and properties of exponential and logarithmic functions to rewrite or simplify algebraic expressions.
  7. I can determine the domain and range of function given as an equation or a graph.
  8. I can determine a composition of functions given in any form (graph, table, equation).
  9. I can determine the inverse of a function given in any form (graph, table, equation).
  10. I can compute the average rate of change of a given function on a given interval.
  11. I can indicate the vertical and the horizontal asymptotes of a given rational function.
  12. I can solve inequalities and interpret the solution in context.
  13. I can identify the intervals on which a given function is increasing or decreasing in context.
  14. I can determine an appropriate function class (linear, quadratic, exponential, trigonometric) to model a particular situation.
  15. I can determine and describe a transformation (translations, compressions, stretches, reflections) of a function given in forms of graphs or equations.
  16. I can determine the equation of a circle in context and find the length of an arc of a circle or the area of a sector of a circle.
  17. I can determine an angle or its trigonometric values given other trigonometric values and the quadrant.
  18. I can determine the equation of a trigonometric function given its graph.
  19. I can simplify functions using triangles that involve trigonometric and anti-trigonometric functions.
  20. I can prove trigonometric identities.

You are strongly encouraged to download and print a copy of the learning goals to record your grade.


Homework assignments come in two different formats.

  • The first kind is online homework assignment at WileyPLUS (Please get the access as soon as you can). There will be one WileyPLUS homework each week and they are due Saturday at noon. To earn credit, you must earn more than 90% on each assignment. You have 10 attempts for each question and that should be plenty before you can answer the question correctly. Each assignment is worth 1 point.

  • The second kind is completing tasks in the course materials assigned every week. You will be working on these assignments during the class time and discuss them with your peers. You will be asked to present your work during the class as part of the evaluations.


  • You will spend most of the time in class solving tasks in the course materials in groups of three or four. Each group can choose their own presenter when asked. If there are more than one group member that wants to present, the one with fewest presentations achieved at that time has the first dibs. The instructor reserves the right to choose any member from a group that he deemed necessary.
  • You will earn credit for a presentation if you are able to correctly explain your solution. It is not enough to have a correct answer.
  • The purpose of presentations is not to prove to me that the presenter or their group has done the problem. It is to make the ideas of the solution clear to the other students.
  • Confusions and mistakes are very common when learning new mathematics and they should be handled positively to stimulate your thinking. The audience should feel free to ask questions in the discussion forum but please respect the ideas and opinions of others. For example, instead of using the phrase “You should change XYZ.”, start your sentence like “Do we want to change … ?”
  • Though the atmosphere in this class should be informal and friendly, what we do in the class is serious business. In particular, the presentations made by students are to be taken very seriously since they spearhead the work of the class.
  • Fellow students and the instructor are allowed to ask questions at any point and it is the responsibility of the presenter to answer those questions to the best of his or her ability. The group members of the presenter may also help answering the questions.

Group Participation

During the class, you will be actively working in a small group with your peer classmates. Here are a few tips on how to be a productive group member:

  • Be helpful when your peer has a question. Also don’t hesitate to ask if you have a question. The best way to learn something is to teach it.
  • It is common that the class time is not enough for you to complete all the activities, so it would be a good idea to get together with your group members between classes to work on them.
  • Respect others’ idea. Give everyone a chance to share their opinion. Do not dominate a conversation.

Quizzes and Examinations

There will be a quiz every week on Thursday except for the first week. There will be one cumulative final exam.


In this class, we will use a system known as standards-based grading. You will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate that you have met a goal. A goal is met if a student has successfully demonstrated it twice in either (a) quizzes, or (b) on one quiz and one other (final exam or a presentation). There is no partial credit. Once you have score a goal from a quiz or a presentation, you should put a note in one of the boxes before the relevant goal on this print out. You should use clear labeling to indicate when you score that goal, for example, Q2 stands for Quiz 2, or 3/2(P) stands for presentation on March 2. If you are unsuccessful on a quiz problem, prepare yourself to do better on the next quiz. Feel free to stop by my office and ask for practice problems. Quizzes are scheduled on Thursdays. The goals that will be tested on a quiz will be posted at this page on Wednesday evenings. Presenting problems and participating discussion in class, doing homework and exercises are all ways to help you prepare for the next quiz. All of goals appear on multiple quizzes so you have multiple chance to demonstrate that you have met the goals. Your final letter grade will be determined in two steps. For Step 1, you will be assigned a base letter grade based on the following criteria.

Letter GradeCriteria
Aat least 19 goals, and at least 13 homework points
Bat least 16 goals, and at least 12 homework points
Cat least 13 goals, and at least 10 homework points
Dat least 10 goals, and at least 8 homework points
Fless than 10 goals, or less than 8 homework points

For Step 2, your final letter grade will be determined based on your base letter grade from Step 1 and possible adjustment based on your presentation grade.

Final Letter GradePresentation
+more than 3
No change2-3

For example, if you score 16 goals, 12 homework points, and 4 presentations. Use the first table to determine that you letter grade is B. Then because presentation grade is 4, your final letter grade is B+.

Tentative Schedule

Chapter 2Week 1
Chapter 3Week 2-3
Chapter 4Week 4-5
Chapter 5Week 6-7
Chapter 6Week 8-9
Chapter 7Week 10-11
Chapter 8Week 12-14

Tutoring Services

There are two kinds of (free) tutoring services offered by the university.

  • The first kind is at the Office of Learning Services. The tutor’s schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am-12:30pm and Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm.
  • The second kind is an online tutoring service provided by the university called ThinkingStorm. You can access the service here with your university username and password.

Academic Integrity

I have zero tolerance on dishonesty. Any forms of dishonesty such as copying homework or cheating on quizzes and examinations, will result in zero credit for that particular assignment, and will be reported to the Academic Standards Committee. The highest penalty a student can receive is “F for cheating” for the course. There might be additional sanctions by the Academic Standards Committee such as dismissal from the university. See Utica University official page for Academic Honesty for more details.

Special Accommodation

The stuff just below is the University approved language, and is a bit… “legalese’’. The point is, if you need accommodations to succeed in this course, talk to me and we can make sure you get what you need. And the social environment of this course is important to me, too. Let’s work together to make a welcoming and affirming space for everyone.

Any student who has need of special accommodations in this class due to a documented disability should speak with me as soon as possible, preferably within the first two weeks of class. You should also contact Judy Borner, Director of Learning Services in the Academic Support Services Center (315-792-3032 or ) in order to determine eligibility for services and to receive an accommodation letter. We will work with you to help you in your efforts to master the course content in an effective and appropriate way. See Utica University official page for Office of Learning Services.


It is the students’ responsibility to keep informed of all announcements, syllabus adjustments, or policy changes during the semester via this web page or via school emails. The author of this syllabus reserves the right to change it with notice at any time during the semester.